Pantera Bitcoin Fund | Pantera

The first U.S. Bitcoin fund.

Pantera Bitcoin Fund

Pantera Bitcoin Fund is a passive tracker of Bitcoin. The Fund provides quick and secure access to bitcoin while removing the burden of buying and safekeeping coins. Pantera Bitcoin Fund offers investors daily liquidity and a low fee structure.  The Fund is formally structured as a Cayman hedge fund and is available to both U.S. and non-U.S. investors.



July 2013

Minimum Investment:


Investor Type:



Daily, Upon One Day’s Notice


Daily, Upon One Day’s Notice

IRA Eligibility:

AltoIRA, Pacific Premier Trust Company, Millennium Trust Company, Equity Trust Company, And A Number Of Other IRA Custodians

join the fund

To qualify for access, you will need to answer some questions and provide verifiable documentation.

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